Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dan Parkison Sports Photographer

Hello, My name is Dan Parkison. I am a sports photographer and have been shooting youth sporting events as well as studio and senior portraits for the last twenty years. Sounds like a long time. It is... Anyway, throughout the years at different sporting events that I have contracted, I have had numerous amounts of parents and photo enthusiast approach me to either ask how they might be able to get into the business of shooting sports and other photo events, to "can you help me figure out why my camera won't work". I've always attempted to help my parents in what ever way I can and thought that blogging might be a good avenue for them as well as other photo enthusiast. In the future I will be posting common questions that have been asked at these events, and will attempt to answer those questions and any others that might arise. I will welcome any questions and comments that pertain to the sports action photography market. Good shooting.

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